African Shepherds Alliance

The lack of maturity and discernment is the chief reason that so much evil has been allowed to creep into the church. Yet there are a growing number of leaders in local East African churches wanting to change the spiritual maturity level found in most churches. Men and women who yearn to hear the voice of God and see their churches become spiritually built up and biblically sound.

Our desire is to help bring those leaders together to see a real spiritual change in their shepherding and help them obtain real spiritual food to feed their flocks with.

African Shepherds Alliance will begin by connecting it’s members together and then bi-weekly sending members teachings from like-minded, spiritual men and women around the world. Teachers who have remained loyal to the Faith that was delivered by Christ and His Apostles to His Church and the rule and precedent laid down in the Scriptures.

For information you can call us at 731-645-3358.

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